Encontrar vendedores de Frutas y verduras ecologicos
La guía Greentrade
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The Kherson area is ecologically clean region. Here is located - Azovo-Sivashsky national natural park. Well-known Biospheric reserve "Askaniya-Nova", Black Sea biospheric reserve. All these objects are the centers of ecological tourism.
In an environment of these objects on a fertile field of Kherson area our company at cooperation with our partners is engaged in cultivation and processing of agricultural production.
The climate, conditions and soils of the region allow to make best quality organic production.
We realize our production in Ukraine, and also in Russia and Belarus.
Now we plan to expand deliveries also to European Union territories. For this purpose we underwent strict procedure of organic certification according to norms and directives of European Union.
Directly from our wharehouses.

· Our Pomegranate is in 5 Kg ± 200g luxury carton boxes with the counts/sizes of 9 – 12 – 15 – 18. Also 22 based on order.
· One 40' Reef container contains 22 pallets and 2926 carton boxes with average 14500 Kg net weight.
As we are at the season currently, we can supply you with premium quality of Nuts and Dried Fruit with a very competitive price now.

nameko mushroom, shiitake, oyster mushroom, boletus edulis, champignons,
sweet cron, carrot dice, green beans ,green peas.